RIPing It Up

It’s time for Carl’s RIP Challenge!

I had a grand time with this last year, and have actually been looking forward to it. Does this mean that it’s fall, already?

Since both of the book I’ve chosen are HUGE, I’m only doing Peril the Second…

My books:

1. The Stand, by Stephen King (I’m supposed to read it by the end of October, anyway)
2. The Historian, Elizabeth Kostova

Edited to add: we’re reading The Moonstone, by Wilkie Collins for my F2F bookgroup in October… perhaps I’ll even come up with a 4th book…
Great Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Ninth Grade Slays, by Heather Brewer

Wish me luck!

10 thoughts on “RIPing It Up

  1. I'd love to read the Stand. I gave up the first time I attempted because I ran out of renews, but I've since bought it 😉 So maybe I'll pick it up. 🙂


  2. Oh the Historian is so good. One of my favorites, espcially for RIP! And The Stand? Girl, you are braver than I am! That book scares the holy heck out of me and I've never read it!


  3. Close enough to fall for me! 🙂 I'm ready! I am going to pick up The Historian from the hold shelf at the library today. Looking forward to finally reading it this time. I'm so glad you are joining in again this year and am thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the last one. I look at your blog header image and I cannot tell you how much I long to do just that, take a pillow out to lay in the grass and just get lost in a good book.


  4. I read THE HISTORIAN a couple of years ago and was really surprised at how quickly I got through it. It's a thick read, but it's not a taxing one.

    Good luck with your challenge!


  5. Becky — I had to buy (mooch, actually) it, too. No way I was attempting it with checkouts.

    It's nice to know that The Historian is 1) good, and 2) quick.

    And Carl, I do, too. If only it were less humid, today.


  6. Yeah, the Historian was awesome, especially if you already read and loved Dracula 🙂 I have never read the Stand but I KNOW I should. I loved the tv mini series 🙂


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