48 Hour Book Challenge Pile

I’m off — though I think I won’t start until after I get back from exercising, sometime around 10 a.m. (And since we have late-late church on Sunday, it shouldn’t matter…) I’m going to be donating a penny a page read to First Book; we’ll see how much I can get read!

M may or may not be reading with me… sometimes she sounds excited about it, other times, I’m just a big dork and she looks at me funny when I suggest it. So, we’ll see.

Here’s what I’ll be choosing from:

I’m actually quite excited. About all of these. And the 48 hours I have to read as many of them as I can…

15 thoughts on “48 Hour Book Challenge Pile

  1. YOU HAVE FIRE! I am soooo jealous! Even if I already knew and forgot, I am still jealous. lol

    Wicked Lovely is good and you know I am anxious about you reading the Study trilogy! 🙂


  2. I have completed my 48 hours and am so happy I participated in this challenge, I have never done a book challenge online. I am now visiting various sites and learning about even more great books and meeting new colleagues through your sites…all great benefits of participation.


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