A Very Public (And Enthusiastic) Thanks

I had the good fortune to have two secret Santas this year. First, my online book group did a gift exchange, and my Scret Santa sent me this:

Inside… was this:

I’m not sure if you click on the image whether or not you can read all those words, but it’s all the books I’ve read this year (up through the Christmas Carol). Which was totally and completely amazing. I wish she’d tell me who she is, though, because I’d love to use the pictures on the bookmark (which I suspect she took herself) as a new blogskin…

Then there was the Book Bloggers Christmas Swap, and I had the good fortune to have my name given to:

Michele went totally and completely above and beyond the call of duty:

The chocolates were perfect: delicious, and fancy enough so I didn’t have to share with the girls. 😉 And when I opened up the gifts this morning, I found:

THANK YOU! I’ve wanted both for a while, and I am totally happy to finally own them both.

We did get other booky gifts: my brother, bless him, gave us 5 Babymouse books, including the latest which we haven’t read yet. 🙂 And M got The Thief and its sequels, and C got The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. It’s been a very merry Christmas here. Hopefully, you all have had good booky holidays, too.

Happy Holidays!

7 thoughts on “A Very Public (And Enthusiastic) Thanks

  1. That bookmark is amazing! And so are Michele’s gifts. The chocolates look delicious, and the books are ones I really want to read! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas 🙂


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