Sunday Salon: The State of the TBR Book Pile

So a couple weeks ago when I was complaining about my physical TBR book pile, it hit me: this could be monthly feature! Since I don’t do Library Loot anymore (and to be honest, the Goodreads widget on my page isn’t always up-to-date), there’s really no way to share what I’ve got sitting on my nightstand.

Now I do! So, without further blathering, here’s my current pile:

The Buddha’s Diamonds (part of Wichita’s Big Read)
Tuesdays at the Castle (recommended by Charlotte and Jen)
The Son of Neptune (I will get to this. Eventually.)
City of Orphans (MG Cybils book that stood out to me)
War and Watermelon (ditto)
Jeremy Bender and the Cupcake Cadets (ditto)
The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making (because I ought to)
Guys Read: Thriller (since I liked Funny Business)
Floors (Charlotte again, I think.)
Precious Bane (on loan from Corinne. I will read it… soonish)
Rebel Island (My goal is to finish this before the end of the year.)

What’s on your pile? Anything interesting?

7 thoughts on “Sunday Salon: The State of the TBR Book Pile

  1. readinginwinter says:

    My TBR pile is more like an entire bookcase … and more. It's insane! I have a bad habit of constantly buying books so I don't know if I'll ever catch up. Oh well … they sure look pretty on the shelves! 🙂


  2. Nope–Floors wasn't me! But I do hope you enjoy Tuesdays at the Castle.

    My tbr house of books is so bad that it has swallowed the copy of Guys Read: Thriller I have out from the library. At this point, my only hope is to quickly read all the two hundred or so loose books in various places, and hope it turns up once the house is clear!

    Every year at Cybils time this happens to me. At least now, with years of experience under my belt, I know to check behind the bathroom radiator.


  3. Nice pile! I have a relatively small pile at the moment: 12 books sitting on my desk staring at me. And of course that doesn't include all the unread e-books on my Nook. Eeek!


  4. That's quite a pile! 🙂 My own pile is too high for me to consider too much. Right now I'm just trying to finish some ARCs I have on the docket for review this month. Other than that, new releases!


  5. I love this feature! I only wish I could find one pile to photograph…or a clean(ish) table top to photo it on. Plus, I'm not that great with organizing my TBR into an actual pile. Ok, probably I'll never do it, but I like reading yours 🙂


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